The article you are viewing Sky battery replacement Repair A900, A910. Wish you choose is the need to find
1. Causes making rapid decrease battery life
Sky particular users and smartphones in general are divided into two clear groups: group using basic functions and groups to take full advantage of all the functions not to use the group discusses basic function because the name has says it all, they simply used Sky to listen to, call, check e-mail and messaging. So they will not be a threat to the life of the battery.
For the group to take full advantage of all the functions, they will use most of the functions of the phone or use some functions but continuously. This leads to the battery will run out very quickly and repeatedly charged, besides the phenomenon of charge and use, plug the charger overnight, ... .Chinh this causes the battery makes bottles and blisters, damage .
2. The steps to replace the battery Sky A900, A910
Sky characteristic of A900, A910 and the battery life is Sky before monolithic design, fixed on the camera body. Therefore, when replacing the battery you need to be very careful to avoid damaging the components attach or nearby.
Step 1: Remove the screws on the machine and remove the shield that protects the battery
Step 2: Remove the battery exposed
Step 3: Remove the battery and chassis glue
Step 4: Remove the batteries from the camera and insert new batteries
Step 5: Repeat the steps above.
In fact, the replacement of batteries Sky A900, A910 is not simple, requiring you to knowledgeable and experienced in the assembly and replacement, repair of components, good handling circuits in the device to do not affect the machine. Therefore, to be sure, you should take it to the repair shop cell phones for advice prestige and replacement battery for your phone.
Stores always supported the cheapest price with the best service go to phone repair, replace batteries Sky A900, A910 to you. With many years experience in the field of maintenance and repair, along with the technical team of dedicated, enthusiastic and will take care of you the best machine.
We are specialized units repairs, replacement components leading phones in Hoi An. At our shop quality issues are always at the forefront. 100% genuine components. Warranty 12 months.
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- Free Consultation 24/7 0903 505 817 or WhatsApp : +84903505817
Digitech repair procedures are simple in 5 basic steps as below:
- Step 1: Check the warranty card or receiving computer
- Step 2: Determine the cause of the error and agreed with the client.
- Step 3: Carry out troubleshooting, (check out the new parts if necessary replace)
- Step 4: Cleaning inside and outside.
- Step 5: Check, consoles, written warranty submission.